A Sudden Drop

Today we have a new sort of release for you all to enjoy; an adventure! Designed for level 2 or 3 party, this quest is a sort of test run for us. Naturally, it’s about some kobolds, and their endless hubris, which should be fun for a fledgling adventuring party to run into. We hope you enjoy!

If you want to see everything we make, the best place to be is our Patreon, the only place where you can get everything, as well as where you can get the Employee Handbook, the compilation of our backlog into one massive reference document. And, if you want to let us know what you think of this or potentially our next adventure module, join us on Discord, and tell us what kinds of modules you’d like to see!

Suddenly come into some stolen kobold wealth? Give back to get more adventures sooner!

Griffon Fledgling (Find Greater Familiar)


Baleful Resonance