Brass Dragonlord

We’ve had cruel dragonlords, noble dragonlords, and even dragonlords that think bows aren’t cheating, but today, we have the latest in dragonlord technology; a dragonlord that likes to talk. Armed with this new power of ‘speech’, the brass dragon knight is specially outfitted for any martial classes’ greatest challenge, a basic social encounter. We hope you enjoy.

Check out our store for the most talkative of dragonlord patrons, available now! If you want a deal on almost the whole set of dragonlords (only two more to go), then you can join our Patreon at $3 or more, and you’ll get access to every dragonlord, as well as premium PDFs and so much more. And, if you want to talk about the next dragonlord, or anything else a homebrewer might know about, you can reach us on Discord, where our thirst for new meme-brewers remains endless. See you there!




Arms Master