Content Expansion - Character Tables

Character building is fundamental to DnD, as a player or a DM, and knowing exactly the right choices to make to craft a character just so can be a lot of fun. However, sometimes a little more chaos is preferred; you don’t choose where you come from, right? For some, it’s more fun to let the dice decide more for their character than usual, whether they’re a player looking for something new, or a DM mid-session who doesn’t have time to carefully decide for a new NPC.

These tools for randomizing a character are only a taste of what will be in the full Tales from the Firelit Gathering, but they’re already enough to make your character creation a little more unpredictable. If you have something you’ve always wanted to roll for on your character, let us know, and follow the prelaunch page to get our all the rest of the tables as soon as they’re funded and available!


Feat - Prosthetic Prodigy


Wizard - Hierophant