Dragon Knight Remastered

Dragons loom over nearly everything else in power in most DnD settings. The gods can put them down, and maybe some adventurers if they have enough plot armor, but what if you didn’t have to just fight the dragons? What if you yourself could have a taste of the power of the drakes?

Dragon Knight is our answer to exactly that question. As a dragon knight, you are imbue by a dragon with an ever-growing shard of it’s own power, giving you the resilience and stopping power to tangle with anything the DM might throw at you.

Mechanically, many of the dragon knights features depend on their Dracobinding dice, a resource they can spend for all sorts of reptilian magic effects. Critically, you only have a few dice, but they renew every turn. As a result, every turn you have some kind of extra draconic edge, and you get to decide how best to manifest it.

This version of dragon knight is a full remaster of our original. Every feature has been adjusted and retuned in some way, and we’re much happier with the class as a result. Even better, rather than slowly releasing new archetypes one by one, the remaster comes with all thirteen dragonlords, all fully updated!

The preview below has a selection of five subclasses, to give you a sense of how they differ, but if you want all thirteen to choose from, you can get the full version on our store, or by joining our Patreon at the $7 tier or higher! And if you want to keep up with all the rest of our projects and releases, plus our new community events, then join us on Discord. Enjoy!


Artificer - Ionic Experimenter


Paladin - Oath of Flame