Ettercap's Industrious Handloom

This week's uncommon magical item is the weaver's best friend, Ettercap's Industrious Handloom. The handloom requires attunement by a creature proficient in weaver's tools, and it allows you to craft strong and silky nets and rope, as well as ordinary items one would generally be able to craft with weaver's tools at a lower time and gold count. In addition, attunement to this item bestows you with a better understanding of woven and knotted materials, granting you advantage on ability checks to tie and untie knots, as well as to escape most bonds. Of course if a player character with a side passion for weaver's tools gets their hands on this they'll be thrilled, so this can serve as a fun magic item the party gets when relevant to a player. But beyond that, we really like how this magic item characterizes NPCs and settings. High magic settings and characters will often have mundane items and tools be turned magical, such as with this item. It adds a lot of verisimilitude to your world when a player comes across magic items like these; magic items that feel like they're for somebody who may not just be an adventurer. We hope you put this item to fun and creative use, and we'll see you next time!

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Ettercap’s Industrious Handloom

Wondrous item (weaver’s tools), uncommon (requires attunement by a creature proficient with weaver’s tools)

This magic handloom appears to be made of chitin and insectoid sinew, and is slightly warm to the touch. While attuned to the handloom, you have advantage on any ability check or saving throw to tie or untie knots or to escape bonds such as ropes, nets, or vines.

When you craft an item with these tools, you can do so at half the total gold cost and in half the time. Items made with the handloom all have a subtle matte finish and a slight sheen, similar to silk.

The handloom has 3 charges, and regains all spent charges daily at dawn. As an action, you can spend one of the loom’s charges to create a silk net (DC 14 to escape, 10 slashing to break), or 50 feet of silk rope. The silk of these items retains its strength for 8 hours before stiffening and crumbling.




Primal Harbinger