Collar of Domestication

Today's very rare magic item is the Collar of Domestication; another answer to the age-old question in DnD. How do you balance companions? Companions and minions, in whatever form they take, are often an engaging and unique tool that players love having, but another creature tied to an already potent character sheet presents serious concerns for campaign balancing. Of course, you can give players the option of building their character sheets around their companions, like what we did with our homebrew class titled the Enjoiner. But for those players and DMs that want a less committal option, magic items are a quick solution. This isn't the first item we’ve made of this variety; that would be Manacles of Infernal Obligation. That being said, this little pet collar offers a very different type of companion.

This collar only works on incapacitated or willing beasts and monstrosities whose CR is no higher than ¼ of your level and whose Intelligence score is no higher than 4; assuming you want something out of the collar other than a bold fashion statement. Once the collar is secured, the creature becomes charmed by you and will follow commands that don't run contrary to its nature. Other than that, the charmed creature can be controlled similarly to many already existing 'companions' in DnD. It Dodges unless you use a bonus action to give it a specific command, and you can sacrifice an attack to let it attack instead. The creature can escape the collar though; once a day, the creature can use its action to make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw to escape the collar, ending the effect on a success.

Magic items are quick solutions to the balance concerns that come with players' high power desires, and this is no different. What we like about this solution in particular is the flavor that accompanies it. You do not completely mind control a creature; you're manipulating the instincts of an already instinctual creature to fit your desires. We hope you find good companionship with this item, and we'll see you next time.

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Collar of Domestication

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This studded leather collar holds a golden tag emblazoned with an insignia of obedience and order. As an action, you can place the collar on a willing or incapacitated beast or monstrosity that is Large or smaller. The collar magically adjusts to fit the creature. If the creature’s CR is higher than ¼ of your level (rounded down), or if the creature has an Intelligence score of 5 or higher, the collar breaks and cannot be used again until the next dawn.

While you are attuned to the collar and it is fastened to a creature, that creature is charmed by you and will follow your commands so long as they do not go against the creature’s nature. In combat, the creature acts during your turn.

The creature can use an action to attempt to break loose from the collar. If it does, it makes a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, the collar breaks and cannot be used again until the next dawn. If it fails, the collar remains fastened to the creature and it cannot attempt to break the collar again until the next dawn.


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