Granny Greenwart’s Hissing Boils

Hags are notorious for their curses and maladies, but not all of them are as stingy with their secrets as others. Granny Greenwart has been a friend(?) of ours for a long time, and she’s been kind enough for just long enough to share one of her special recipes. Careful, though, this one apparently has a bad habit of leaving more than just the enemy poisoned and melted…

Hissing Boils was designed to be an almost modal offensive spell, by turns a debuff and an area-of-effect damage spell. It’s important to remember here that you can end concentration on a spell at any time, no action; as a result, you can wait until just the right moment in the middle of a target’s movement to end the spell and splatter the acid, or wait until some other creature comes close or moves away. And, if the target knows what’s about to happen, it could be a great way to begin negotiating their surrender!

We hope you enjoy some more unusual damage spells, and if you want more, you can join our Patreon for the best access to our whole backlog. The Employee Handbook has all of our older spells compiled in one place, and our more recent ones are added periodically. If you have a spell idea we need to hear, you can find us on Discord, sitting atop our pile of hoarded memes.


Arms Master


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