Woegrump’s Personal Stormcloud

These days, it can be hard to find the energy to keep pushing forward. Motivation is fickle, and keeping it once you have it can be tough. After all, there always seems to be another reason to quit.

And on top of everything, all my stuff is damp now.

In unrelated news, our latest spell is a big time curse. If you want to ruin someone’s day, really be holistically mean to them, then this 7th level enchantment has got you well and truly covered.

If you want everything we make, depression themed or otherwise, you can join our Patreon, where we release monthly projects as well as the Employee Handbook, the PDF compilation of all our various releases. And, if you want to share some of your work or ideas with us, our Discord is full of more brewers, memers, and other internet goblins than you could ever need. Join today!


Granny Greenwart’s Hissing Boils


Dragon Turtlelord