Spell - Prepare for Adventure

Bookkeeping in 5e can be tough. It can be an exhaustingly long process to organize all your adventuring equipment ahead of time, especially if you have limited money (do we really need pitons?). But then if you rush ahead, you get into a dungeon or some other strange place, and now you don’t have what you need (pitons)! What’s a frugal, hurried adventurer to do?

Why, cast a spell, of course. Most spells are a tool in and of themselves, but now, there’s a spell for “crowbar”. Inevitably need another 10-foot pole after the first three got melted, burned, and eaten? More soap (yes, take the hint)? Maybe just another flask of lamp oil? All this and more for the casters of prepare for adventure.

This spell is one of a whole array you will find in Tales from the Firelit Gathering, our new book that launches on Kickstarter on February 7th! Follow the project today, and be the most prepared to get the book and all the goodies within!


Magic Item - Shield of Shouting


Magic Item - Pendant of Enlightenment